Spa Creek House

 On a narrow irregularly shaped lot fronting Spa Creek in Annapolis, Maryland this house slips between its neighbors and emerges buoyantly as it lifts towards the creek’s edge. The house’s preeminent focus is on its promenade and connection to the waterfront. The desire for connectivity is equally about views and physical access. In order to set the stage for this, the program elements are layered across the site with “private” support spaces arrayed towards the street and along the landward property lines. The more “public” living spaces are dispersed closer to the water. The house’s preeminent focus is on its promenade, as well as visual and physical connections to the waterfront. The functional distinction between “public” and “private” is made diagrammatically legible through the massing strategy and amplified by material contrast. Designed for a couple with a passion for art and sailing, the house becomes a canvas for both these interests simultaneously.


Spa Creek, Annapolis MD

2,800 sft

2020 Annapolis Home and Design 1st Place
2019 AIA Chesapeake Bay Honor Award
2019 AIA Maryland Merit Award
2018 AIA Baltimore Design Award

GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family
GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family

Adding to this thrust towards the creek, the roof of the wood box steps up until the master bedroom achieves a lofty vertical proportion.  Here, the promenade terminates at a covered balcony with commanding views across the creek to Historic Annapolis.

GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family
GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family

The entry is punctuated by a raw steel canopy that links both wood and metal boxes. The contrast between these complementary volumes is amplified by the subtle angle with which the wood box shifts to follow the property line, running along the southern edge of the lot.  This allows the living spaces on both levels to open up expansively, rendering them spatially dynamic.

GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family
GriD architects | Spa Creek House | Modern Waterfront Home Design | Luxury Home Design | Annapolis architect | Baltimore Architect | Washington dc Architect | Creative Architect | Custom Prefab House | Architectural Residential Design | Single Family

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